Paranormal Terminology
Apparition -Visual representation of a disembodied entity or spirit. This might take the full form of a person, or appear as a faint mist.
Cold spot -Cool or cold patches of air. Ghosts draw energy from the air, which leaves the cold spot behind.
DVP -Direct Voice Phenomenon -audio that is heard live rather than on a recording.
Dowsing -Movement of rods or pendulums to communicate with a spirit.
Ectoplasm -Mist associated with paranormal activity.
EMF -Electro-Magnetic Frequency (or Field)- combination of electric and magnetic energy, which is generally experienced in the presence of spirits.
Entity -Intelligent being who may or may not have been human.
EVP -Electronic Voice Phenomenon -audio that is heard on a recording's playback that wasn't audible in real time.
Ghost -Human paranormal entity.
Ghost lights -Unexplained lights that appear in groupings, usually outdoors.
Haunting -Activities by a spirit
Manifest -Presentation of paranormal activity.
Orbs -Unexplained balls of light.
Paranormal -Experience/activity that is beyond the normal.
Poltergeist -Paranormal activity that is the result of psychic-kinetic (PK) energy -usually the outflow of pent up emotions.
Shadow Person/People -One of the more controversial terms in the field. Some say these are human spirits who couldn't fully manifest. Others say these are non-human entities with malicious intent. (There are many theories for shadow people)
Spirit -Former human.
Vortex -Central point of spiritual activity or energy.
RESIDUAL- An imprint left in this plane of existence. Like rewinding a movie and watching the same scene over and over again. Could be something you see, smell or hear. This is a non-intelligent haunting.
INTELLIGENT- A haunting in which the spirit communicates by sound, sight or smell with an intelligent response to questions when asked.
POLTERGEIST- A haunting in which objects are moved. Anything from a dime being moved a little to pictures flying off the wall.
DEMONIC- Classified as a haunting in which the spirit is physically hurting the occupant(s). These are not at all common.
Other types of entities that may be encountered: Aliens-intra/extraterrestrials, interdimensional beings, possible time-travelers, residuals of living people, psychic entities, created thought-forms, elemental beings, astral entities, shadow entities, and others not named.
The Estes Method is a paranormal investigation technique that involves using a blindfold, noise-canceling headphones, and a device that scans radio frequencies to communicate with spirits. The Estes Method is considered a groundbreaking experiment in the paranormal field.
Learn about the Estes Method.
Empirical Paranormal does not promote the use of phone “apps” for Paranormal research in general. Most apps are distributed in the Entertainment section of the App Store and include a disclaimer that they are for entertainment purposes only.
For those reasons we cannot accept any information collected on a mobile app as proof of evidence for our investigative purposes. We rely on the equipment that was designed and built for the purpose of paranormal investigations, but we are open for our guests to utilize any equipment or mobile apps that they are familiar with.
Great article about smartphone apps and paranormal research!
Empirical Paranormal will study and research the paranormal of all types and serve the community by investigating, researching, and presenting the client answers and peace of mind. We also do this for our team and the paranormal field. We collaborate with other teams and partnership with other people in related paranormal fields as UFO, crypto zoology and more.
Empirical Paranormal will be there for the community in time of need or just plain curiosity of what is going on at their residence or place of business. We will research and find answers, para-unity, partnerships with others, as a driving force in the paranormal community. We will volunteer in community events and projects as we raise money for charities.