Empirical Paranormal is a paranormal investigation group based in the Southern Tier of N.Y. The group was founded in April of 2004. We are Community Paranormal Specialists (CPS) that have the knowledge, information, and procedures in place to assist, help, and resolve issues and problems for our clients. We provide leadership in the paranormal field.
The team has conducted numerous investigations with varying and interesting results, such as: EVP's, phantom ordors, doors closing, full bodied apparition of a shadow person, and more.
Our team focuses on searching for proof of spirit, intervention, and using the latest technology; The results have been outstanding.
We also do clearings also known as cleansings of spirits. This is a process where we use intuition, empathetic, and other psychic abilities as well as tools to exercise negative energies.
Check out our live feeds on Facebook or Youtube. If you are interested in us doing an investigation on your property, being a part of our team, or just want to learn more, explore our social media pages:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmpiricalParanormal1
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRsWyyzHYERr2gdHacKP9lQ
We are looking to do investigations for places puported to be haunted. We are professional, confidential, and our services our free of charge; however, donations are welcome and most appreciated as we are nonprofit and fund these services ourselves.
We are also available for lectures/presentations, ghost council, events, tabling, consultation, teaching, media and media consultant, working with other teams and more.
Please contact us to set one up. Serious inquires only please.
Disclaimer: This is not an exact science. We use compelling evidence. Activity can increase before, during or after and investigation. Activity can decrease before during and after an investigation. Anyone not listed on our team page that claims to be a Empirical Paranormal member is NOT and does not speak for us. Contact us as this would need to be resolved.