Empirical Paranormal will study and research paranormal events/activity of all types and serve the community by investigating, researching, and presenting the client answers and peace of mind. We focus on studying and educating each location’s history, and fundraising for the locations whenever possible. We investigate to learn more about the paranormal and further the field. Empirical Paranormal believes in collaboration with other paranormal teams and partnership with other people in related paranormal fields.
Empirical Paranormal will be there for the community in time of need or just plain curiosity of what is going on at their residence or place of business. As a non-profit organization, we volunteer in community events and projects as we raise money for charities. We do not charge for our investigations; however, we offer public investigations for organizations where all proceeds of ticket sales go directly to said organization. We do not charge for Private/Residential investigations and offer our services free to the community to educate and provide peace of mind.
We are personally dedicated and committed to the field of the paranormal and to improving people's lives. We treat all with care, respect and dignity. We are a team of integrity in all we do. We have the public trust and we follow through on every communication to us such as calls, email, and letters. We seek new ways, ideas and hold true to what already works. We work well with others including all entities. We are accepting of all walks of life, all ways of life and all life choices.